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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Austin Summer Staple: Any Pool! Any Pool At All!

I don't have to tell y'all that it's hot outside! Even our "cool front" next week is going to leave us in the 90s, which is still perfect weather for swimming!

A lot of the new neighborhoods in Austin have their own community pools. Ours does not, and I didn't really miss it until this summer. At about eight months pregnant, I pretty much don't even consider spending time in the sun right now unless it involves a pool!

But you certainly don't have to be pregnant to wish for a little relief from the heat! If you've got a neighborhood pool, then great! Splash it up! For those of us (like me) who don't happen to have one, the City of Austin actually has pools all over town that you can swim in for almost no fee!

Their website provides the full list of pools and their hours.

 Barton Springs Pool
(photo courtesy City of Austin website)

The fees go from free for babies on up to a whopping $3 for adults. Children and seniors are $1 and teens are $2. You can scrape that much together out from under your couch cushions!

And when the thermometer starts to creep up towards a hundred degrees or more, paying in "couch change" will definitely be worth it!



1 comment:

  1. Ain't no way to get in THAT water and still be hot !
