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Friday, June 21, 2013

Cliches and Creases in Their Jeans

The Rankin Twins have actually played a free show for KOKE before, so I expected their energy on stage to be high. A pleasant surprise was their energy off stage. After their set, they headed down to their merch table and did their own selling and basically had a good time with their fans.

However, a disappointing surprise, was their unashamed use of a performer's super-cliche:

The hot tambourine player.

Yup. They rolled him out for just one song (during which they did let him sing a little bit). While I applaud their creative twist on the tradition (the tambourine player being a dude and all), but come on Rankins! You are better than that! For shame ladies! For shame.

Other than that, the Rankins were delightful as always.

As was our headliner, the Cody Johnson Band! 

I like the creases in his pants, the straw in his hat and the twang in his voice. If I didn't know better, I'd say this boy is actually kinda country!

I'm gonna be honest. I totally pregnancy-brained this one and really thought that Cody Johnson was somebody else. I'm not gonna say who, but I wasn't super-excited about the show when I thought it was the other guy.

So what a pleasant surprise it was when Cody and his band hit the stage and started singing! I stayed waaaay longer than I meant to! (That happens with these shows somehow. Weird.)

And a ton of y'all showed up to hear them, too! Lucky you, because after the live broadcast ended, Cody came out by himself and previewed some of the new songs that are going on the album he's recording right now.

He didn't say when the album is coming out. He's still recording so I doubt they've got a date yet, but his song "Baby's Blue" has got me really excited about it!

It was good to see y'all there! See you next week for Brandon Rhyder!


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