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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Best Country Music Video Ever?

Lots of talk on the morning show the last couple of days about whether it's still "great to be alive" in Austin, Texas. I know what I think. But then, I never did get to meet Catfish and Swami Steve at the Alamo Hotel on Sixth Street. Maybe I'd feel differently if I had some personal experience with those fellas!

While taking callers on the topic this morning, Willie and Merle's Pancho & Lefty video was brought up. It was apparently shot here in Austin, with the closing scenes (where Lefty's living in a "cheap motel") set at the Alamo Hotel.

Not only had I never seen the video, I'd never heard of the Alamo Hotel. Bess Bistro now occupies the building, and I think it's great. But people who have been here for more than six years seem to really miss the Alamo, the people who performed there (Lyle Lovett, for one) and the regulars (Swami Steve, the Nun and Catfish).

They have got to be making that up. If they're not, then (as great as it is now) maybe Austin was even better in the 80s! I don't call any of my friends Catfish, and the Nun sounds like a spy name. I'm pretty sure I don't know any spies in Austin. Or maybe I just know really good ones. Hard to say.

Bob called it one of the best country music videos ever made. What do you think? Top ten?



  1. One of your Mom's favorites

  2. Well, it's clearly a great song. I'm not sure it's the best music video ever. But I suspect the top 10 list would all be Willie Nelson songs, so it's definitely possible.
